1 in 6 children are now hoping to be a scientist when they grow up

While the full impact of the pandemic on kids’ education still remains to be seen, one thing that has changed it appears, is the attitudes of children towards science as a vocation. Previously perceived to be boring, or maybe too challenging, 1 in 6 children are now hoping to be a scientist when they grow up, according to new research by Dr. Oetker Spectacular Science! Mixes.

60% of children agree that they have been inspired by the scientists they have seen on TV throughout the pandemic, with Scientist (16%) being the third most popular choice when it comes to the top jobs kids want to do when they grow up, preceeded by YouTuber (17%) and Video Games Developer (17%).

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Not only are today’s generation of kids more likely to know what they want to be when they grow up, with almost half (44%) claiming to have made a decision by the age of nine, they’re also less likely to follow gender stereotypes too. Equal numbers of both boys and girls (6%) said they’d like to be a ballerina when they grow up, and 1 in 10 girls agreed they’d like to be a professional footballer.

By contrast, adults surveyed said that they still felt they’d not achieved their dream job with 28% saying they’re still undecided about what they want to do with their careers.

Change in attitude

1 in 5 children surveyed said that they wanted to be a Youtuber when they grew up, with gaming, science and baking being the top 3 types of video content that they’d like to make. Baking has seen a huge resurgence throughout the pandemic, with lots of families choosing to bake together at home as a way of passing the time and learning new skills. Over half of those surveyed said that they have spent more time baking in the last twelve months than ever before.

The nation’s children have also revealed their top 10 favourite bakers and chefs, with Delia Smith missing out on a top spot altogether!