Will Ford: Teachers and NHS staff being forgotten in Brexit chaos – here’s how and why

Issues like teacher recruitment have been neglected due to Brexit.Issues like teacher recruitment have been neglected due to Brexit.
Issues like teacher recruitment have been neglected due to Brexit.
DEAL or no deal; hard or soft Brexit; Article 50; the divorce bill; the backstop. Enough of the unintelligible jargon, oneupmanship and face-palm inducing interviews with perplexed MPs, it’s time to get back to running the country.

Other issues don’t cease to be. Like the NHS and education – key issues which are now non-issues in our Brexit-obsessed society. While civil servants are re-deployed in aid of Brexit negotiations, where does this leave the departments they’ve left? Understaffed. On the back-burner.

The Government has missed their target for teacher recruitment for the last five years. The story is the same in the NHS, with huge numbers of posts unfilled, and recruitment drives proving limited in their success.