BLaise Tapp: Walk and talk away your stress levels

Has there ever been an angrier time than the present day?

The Dark Ages were hardly a bed of roses but back then the Internet didn’t exist, meaning folk were generally unaware whether their neighbour had suffered a bad day at the slaughterhouse.

Yes, for all the marvellous advances made over the past 20 years, the 21st Century really is the golden age of rage and fury.

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Road rage, air rage, supermarket rage and online trolling are all part and parcel of modern life. Add to that the fact that life, fuelled by the endless possibilities of technology, is busier than our ancestors could imagine then there is no wonder that so many of us are showing signs of stress.

Thankfully, unlike previous generations, many of us feel that we can talk about whatever it is that is dragging us down and more and more of us are seeking either professional help or, at the very least, are confiding in our loved ones. Thirty odd years after Bob Hoskins first coined the phrase, we have finally cottoned on that it really is good to talk. Letting it all hang out over a pint or even a cuppa and a Hob Nob has certainly helped me during the darker periods of my life.

But now experts believe that, as well as talking, it is also good to walk, after a study revealed the positive effect of stretching one’s legs, preferably where there is a bit of greenery on offer.

Scientists have reported that a walk for 20 to 30 minutes, enabling you to get up close and personal with nature, will lower our bodies’ stress hormones by up to 10 per cent.

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