'Smug' doorman threw 24-year-old out of Bijou nightclub before fatal injury, trial told

James Etherington (top right) pictured with familyJames Etherington (top right) pictured with family
James Etherington (top right) pictured with family
The friend of a 24-year-old clubber who died after being seriously injured outside a Bingley nightspot has told a jury that the doorman involved looked “smug”.

But Ciaran Spencer’s barrister suggested that Ben Rose was being “selective” with his memory of the night and accused him of adding that detail to make it look worse for his client.

“No-one else remembers him smirking at you or smiling at you or looking smug,” said Richard Wright QC.

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-> Doorman on trial over 24-year-old who died after hitting head being ejected from Bijou nightclub“You’ve just added that detail to make it look a little bit worse haven’t you?”

Bijou nightclub in Bingley